Afrika tanulmányok

The African Union’s new common defence and security policy as a mechanism facilitating development of the continent

Tóth Norbert

Having perceived the frameworks of the forming new world order, Libya’s foreign affairs have significantly changed in the recent fifteen years (Sturman, 2003: 109). While earlier the goal of Colonel Qadhafi—who was considered as the ‘daredevil’ of the Arabic world—similarly to lots of Arabic leaders was to create a uniform Arabic state, then as from the second half of the 90’s he started to make democratic sounds, and tried to have his system accepted by the ‘West’, and first of all by its controlling power, the United States of America.

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Globális folyamatok - a jövő kihívásai (tanulmánykötet)

Kapcsolódó anyagok

Búr Gábor: Miért szegény Afrika?
Tarrósy István: Kelet-afrikai Föderáció: álom vagy valóság?

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