
Risky Africa? - Security policy in a historical context

Búr Gábor

The violence in France primarily, though not exclusively in the suburbs of Paris in the autumn 2005 forced even those who deal with security policy to readjust their views. In three weeks, children and grandchildren of immigrants mostly from North and West Africa grabbed stones and petrol-filled bottles in the dreary suburbs and set on fire 8500 cars and at least a hundred public buildings. Many speak of intifada, a Palestinian parallel. It is a fact that among the rallying youngsters lack of perspective increased the susceptibility for Islam. The executive power is insecure and makes hasty judgements; even to expel those caught setting cars on fire is not simple: laws are contradictory. The ministers of home affairs, who called the riots a mob, is urging positive discrimination for immigrants, but in the meantime, he is stressing the problematic issue of their integration.

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Globális folyamatok - a jövő kihívásai (tanulmánykötet)

Kapcsolódó anyagok

Búr Gábor: Miért szegény Afrika?
Tarrósy István: Kína Afrikára kacsint



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