
Muslim immigration to Europe - The challange for European Societies: Human rights and security in light of current developments

Christine Schirrmacher

North Africa is closely linked with France by virtue of its colonial past, as are Bangladesh, Pakistan, and India with Great Britain. Nearly two million Muslims live in Britain; in France about six million; in Germany 3.2 million. The immigration of Muslims to Germany began roughly 45 years ago when, in the post-War period, the recruitment of workers from southern (and south-eastern) Europe and, later, also from Anatolia (Turkey) appeared to be the solution for an expanding labour market.

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Kapcsolódó anyagok

Laufer Balázs: A migráció és terrorizmus a nemzetbiztonsági szolgálatok szemszögéből
Hajduk Annamária: Esély vagy veszély? Bevándorlás Magyarországra
Karoliny Eszter - Mohay Ágoston: A nemzetközi migráció jogi keretei


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